
Do you want to contribute to making more black panels available?
Here’s a list of what we currently need help with!


We are looking for someone who owns a Make Noise Optomix mk1 and has bought our black panel for the Optomix mk2 to confirm that the panel fits perfectly on the mk1 as well.


Do you own the Intellijel Line In 1U module and would be willing to test a black panel for it? If so, would you also be able to take high-quality photos of it according to our specifications, for us to use freely? Please contact us if you’re interested!


We really need good photos (both straight and angled) of some of our black panels mounted on the modules. If you’re willing and able to take high-quality photos according to our specs, we will reward you! Please contact us!

Intellijel Gx
Intellijel Mult 1U
Intellijel Noise Tools 1U
Intellijel Passive LGP 1U
Intellijel Stereo Line In 1U
Intellijel Stereo Line Out 1U
Intellijel Switched Mult 1U
Intellijel XY IO 1U
Intellijel Zeroscope 1U
Mannequins Cold Mac
Mannequins Just Friends
Mannequins Three Sisters
Mutable Instruments Blinds
Mutable Instruments Elements
Mutable Instruments Frames
Mutable Instruments Yarns
Mutable Instruments Shades
Mutable Instruments Shades (2020)

Serge Variable Q VCF

Do you own a decent scanner, a caliper and any of the modules below? Would you like a black panel for it? Please contact us!

Joranalogue Generate 3
Joranalogue Receive 2
Joranalogue Morph 4
Joranalogue Select 2
Joranalogue Orbit 3
Joranalogue Mix 3
Joranalogue Enhance 2
Shakmat HiPass
Shakmat Time Apprentice
Shakmat Aeolus Seeds
Shakmat Archer's Rig
ALM Boss Bow Two
Mannequins W/